Thursday, November 30, 2006


So I finally confronted reality and my gut instincts. I've made the decision to take a one year leave of absence from law school and start focusing on the things that I love. Right now, I live in one of my favorite cities in the world in a small apartment full of the best pseudo-family I could ever ask for, I work for two great bands that have limitless potential, I have all my limbs, and I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world. The $100,000 debt I've incurred whilst coming to this point is just a minor obstacle on the way to my final end of complete world domination.

So now is the fun part. I get to re-invent mys entire life. I'm still going to have my company but now I can do it from anywhere and live however I want and stay up as late as I want. I have no bed-time. I don't necessarily need to bathe everyday. I feel completely liberated...except for the massive debt and the fact that I might need to get a part-time job. But thats not the point.

Ok, now that I have my creative freedom back, I will have more blogs up soon and see my friends more and have better jokes.

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