Sunday, June 11, 2006


so, i was in italy for a few days and haven't been able to blog. we drove overnight 8 hours to the coast of italy and here are the things I did: consumed mass quantities of wine, went to venice, got badly sunburnt (which will turn into a beautiful bronze tan), took part in some drunken romps (ow, watch the sunburn, please), watched A LOT of football (world cup, baby), gambled in a tiny Italian Alpine town, and ate lots of awesome food.
ok, so what has been cool is that i am very much in the middle of the world cup but my viewing experiences have been quite strange (in a good way). i watched germany play in an outdoor cafe in venice with hannes (a german) surrounded by italians and german tourists. next, i watched england play at an italian hotel bar with a bunch of italians and sunburnt english tourists and a german. tomorrow, i will watch the US play in a swiss bar people. but the greatest part is that switzerland has made it to the world cup for the first time since the tudor period and everyone is going crazy! so, on tuesday, i will be in switzerland to witness firsthand just how rowdy the swiss are. haha. another funny thing is that the swiss national football team got beat up by the turkish national football team after they beat them in the last qualifying match. golden.
anyway, europe is good. we are playing tennis tomorrow and going to a swiss law school party tomorrow night (jasmine's boyfriend luca is in law school). i suspect i will have to pre-game before the swiss law school gig since i hate most law students and lawyers.
sorry if this is dull. now i have to sleep.


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